The Institute of Development and Application for Sound Materials (DASM) has been granted permission by the General Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality (Ministry of Science and Technology) to carry out acoustic testing services.

On January 12, 2023, the General Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality (Ministry of Science and Technology) issued certificate number 114/TĐC – HCHQ, certifying that the Institute of Development and Application for Sound Materials (DASM) has registered to conduct multidisciplinary testing activities in the field of Physical Mechanics (registration number: 707/TN – TĐC).
DASM Acoustic Laboratory – The First VILAS-Certified Acoustic Laboratory in Vietnam
Development of composite panels based on porous glass aerogels for acoustic applications
The certification was based on:
Decree No. 107/2016/ND-CP dated July 1, 2016, issued by the Government on conditions for business operations in conformity assessment services;
Decree No. 154/2018/ND-CP dated November 9, 2018, amending, supplementing, and repealing some regulations on investment and business conditions in areas managed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and some specialized inspection regulations;
Decision No. 08/2019/QD-TTG dated February 15, 2019, issued by the Prime Minister on the functions, duties, powers, and organizational structure of the General Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality under the Ministry of Science and Technology;
Consideration of the proposal from the Director of the Department of Conformity Assessment and Standards, the General Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality.
DASM’s services
Established in 2021, the Institute of Development and Application for Sound Materials has been consistently selected as the leading provider for quality testing related to soundproofing and acoustic materials for construction projects. With the most advanced measurement and testing equipment in the world, along with a highly trained team of experts, engineers, and architects specialized in acoustics, DASM offers the following services:
Acoustic testing
Noise surveys and evaluations
Acoustic consulting and design for buildings
Sound design and simulations
Noise and vibration control
Material/equipment design, consultation, and improvement
The Institute of Development and Application for Sound Materials hopes to continue working with our valued clients, partners, and associates. Our professionalism, effectiveness, and reputation will bring advanced and optimized acoustic solutions that meet all requirements.
List of Acoustic Testing Methods
No. |
Test Name |
Testing Method |
1 |
Sound level attenuation of mufflers (tube type) |
ISO 11691:2020, ASTM E477-20, ASTM E477-13E1 |
2 |
Sound level attenuation, flow noise, and sound pressure loss of mufflers |
ISO 7235:2003 |
3 |
Sound level attenuation of pipe insulation systems |
ASTM E1222-90(2016) |
4 |
Occupational noise exposure in public, residential, and industrial areas |
TCVN 9799:2013, ISO 9612:2009 |
5 |
Sound pressure level of environmental noise in indoor or outdoor spaces |
TCVN 7878-2:2018, ISO 1996-2:2017, ASTM E1014-12(2021) |
6 |
Sound insulation performance of acoustic enclosures – Laboratory measurements |
TCVN 7839-1:2007, ISO 11546-1:1995, ISO 11546-1:2009 |
7 |
Sound insulation performance of acoustic enclosures – Field measurements |
TCVN 7839-2:2007, ISO 11546-2:1995, ISO 11546-2:2009 |
8 |
Evaluation of sound insulation in buildings and building elements – Airborne sound insulation |
TCVN 7192-1:2002, ISO 717-1:1996, ISO 717-1:2023 |
9 |
Sound insulation in buildings and building structures – Airborne sound insulation |
ISO 10140-2:2021 |
10 |
Sound transmission loss between partitions and structures in buildings |
ASTM E90-09(2016) |
11 |
Sound attenuation between rooms |
ASTM E336-20, ASTM E336-16A |
12 |
Evaluation of sound insulation in buildings and building structures – Impact sound insulation |
TCVN 7192-2:2002/Amendment 1:2008, ISO 717-2:1996/Amd.1:2006, ISO 717-2:2013 |
13 |
Sound insulation in buildings and building structures – Impact sound insulation |
ISO 10140-3:2021 |
14 |
Sound pressure level of equipment used in buildings |
TCVN 8776:2011, ISO 16032:2004 |
15 |
Sound absorption coefficient, reflection coefficient, surface impedance |
ISO 10534-1:1996 |
16 |
Sound absorption coefficient and impedance in impedance tubes |
ISO 10534-2:1998 |
17 |
Acoustics – Measurement of sound absorption in reverberation rooms |
ASTM C423-22, ISO 354:2003 |
18 |
Acoustic properties of porous materials based on transfer matrix method – Sound absorption coefficient |
ASTM E2611-17 |
19 |
Acoustic properties of porous materials based on transfer matrix method – Sound attenuation coefficient |
ASTM E2611-17 |
20 |
Acoustic resistance coefficient by airflow through building materials |
ASTM C522-03(2016), ISO 9053-1:2018 |
21 |
Vibration energy dissipation properties of materials – Young’s Modulus |
ASTM E756-05(2017), ASTM E756-05(2010) |
22 |
Vibration energy dissipation properties of materials – Poisson’s Ratio |
ASTM E756-05(2017), ASTM E756-05(2010) |
23 |
Vibration energy dissipation properties of materials – Damping Loss Coefficient |
ASTM E756-05(2017), ASTM E756-05(2010) |
24 |
Porosity coefficient of materials |
HDPP-PHI-01 (Reference: Journal of Applied Physics 101.12 (2007): 124913.) |
25 |
Material bulk density |
HDPP-PHI-01 (Reference: Journal of Applied Physics 101.12 (2007): 124913.) |
26 |
Room acoustics for performance spaces |
TCVN 10615-1:2014, ISO 3382-1:2009 |
27 |
Room acoustics for normal rooms |
TCVN 10615-2:2014, ISO 3382-2:2008 |
28 |
Room acoustics for living spaces |
ASTM E1574-98(2014) |
29 |
Room acoustics for open-plan offices |
TCVN 10615-3:2014, ISO 3382-3:2012 |
30 |
Noise from automobiles |
TCVN 7880:2016, ISO 16254:2016 |
31 |
Noise from motorcycles |
TCVN 7882:2018 |
32 |
Noise from train operations along rail tracks |
TCVN 11521:2016, ISO 3095:2013 |
33 |
Noise from internal combustion engine-driven generator sets |
TCVN 9729-10:2013, ISO 8528-10:1998 |
34 |
Noise from machine tools |
TCVN 7011-5:2007, ISO 230-5:2000 |
35 |
Noise from air compressors and vacuum pumps |
ISO 2151:2004 |
36 |
Noise from rotating electric machines |
ISO 1680:2013 |
37 |
Noise from water supply system equipment |
ISO 3822-1:1999/Amd1:2008 |
38 |
Noise from hydraulic pumps |
ISO 4412-1:1991 |
39 |
Noise from hydraulic motors |
ISO 4412-2:1991 |
40 |
Noise from earth-moving machinery |
ISO 6395:2008 |
41 |
Noise from fans in standardized laboratory conditions |
ISO 13347-2:2004/Cor 1:2006 |
42 |
Sound pressure level of industrial fan and large gas turbine piping systems |
ASTM E2459-05(2016) |
43 |
Vibration caused by road traffic vehicles |
TCVN 7211:2002 |
44 |
Mechanical vibration of internal combustion engine-driven generator sets |
TCVN 9729-9:2013, ISO 8528-9:2017 |
45 |
Vibration of industrial fans |
TCVN 9076: 2011, ISO 14695:2003 |
46 |
Vibration from construction activities and industrial production |
TCVN 6963:2001 |
47 |
Vibration of piston machines over 100kW |
ISO 10816-6:1995/Amd 1:2015 |
48 |
Elevator noise and vibration levels |
ISO 8100-34:2021, ISO 18738-1-2012, ISO 18738-2-2012 |
49 |
Vibration from motor-driven handheld tools |
TCVN 11722-1-12:2016 |
50 |
Vibration and its effects on construction works |
TCVN 7191:2002, ISO 4866:2010 |