Lai Yen IZ, Lai Yen ward, Hoai Duc district, Hanoi
Consulting, Design, and Improvement of Acoustic Materials and Equipment

As one of the pioneering scientific organizations in Vietnam specializing in the field of acoustics and architectural solutions, the Institute for Development & Application of Sound Materials (DASM) is recognized as a leading institution in consulting, designing, and improving acoustic materials and equipment. Our team comprises deeply trained acoustic experts and we utilize some of the most modern measuring devices and equipment available.

Our services at DASM are united by a common goal: to provide our clients with innovative and high-quality acoustic design solutions. We also focus on researching, improving, and developing new materials and equipment that better meet the specific requirements of projects, both enhancing acoustic performance and optimizing costs.


This phase involves assessing the client’s needs and identifying the acoustic issues they are facing. Our team of sound engineering consultants at DASM typically conducts an initial analysis to understand the current state of the acoustic environment, identify problems, and establish specific client goals and objectives.


Based on the findings from the consulting phase, our engineers and acoustic designers propose solutions that best meet the client’s needs. This may involve creating new acoustic designs or redesigning existing spaces or equipment. During the design process, the DASM team utilizes specialized tools and software such as acoustic modeling and simulation software to predict acoustic outcomes and ensure practical and effective solutions.

Material Improvement

This part of the service focuses on selecting or developing materials that can enhance the acoustic performance of spaces or equipment. This may include helping clients choose better sound-absorbing or sound-blocking materials, or developing new compounds to reduce noise or improve the soundproofing features of existing materials. The goal is to use materials that provide optimal acoustic performance at a reasonable cost and are suitable for the intended application.

Equipment Improvement

Improving acoustic equipment is an important aspect of the audio industry, contributing to high-quality auditory and visual experiences for users and professional applications. Acoustic experts and engineers at DASM focus on researching and upgrading or developing acoustic devices to enhance sound quality, operational performance, and features. The main goal is to achieve optimal acoustic effectiveness that suits the usage environment and user requirements.